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Harbour Seal (Español)

Anon. (2010). «Selvstyrets bekendtgørelse nr. 16 af 12. november 2010 om beskyttelse og fangst af sæler» .

Colominas, R. (2012). Harbour seal diet in a changing Arctic (Svalbard, Noruega). MSci. thesis, University of Bergen, Norway, 47 pp.

DFO. (2018). Estrategia de recuperación de la foca Portuaria, subespecie Lacs des Loups Marins (Phoca vitulina mellonae). Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa. v + 28 pp.,

Dietz R, Teilmann J, Andersen SM, Rigét F, Olsen MT (2012) Movements and site fidelity of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Kattegat, Denmark, with implications for the epidemiology of the phocine moquillo virus. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69, 1-10.

CIEM. (2017). Report of the workshop on predator‐prey interactions between grey seals and other marine mammals (WKPIGS), 30 April 2017. Middelfart, Dinamarca, Cm CIEM 2017 / SSGEPD: 18.LaFrance, D. (2017). Canada’s seal harvest (documento de antecedentes). Biblioteca del Parlamento. Publication no. 2017-18-E. 11pp.Moan, A., and Bjørge, A. (2020a) Bycatch estimates of harbour (Phoca vitulina) and grey (Halichoerus grypus) seal in Norwegian gillnet fisheries. NAMMCO SC/27 / BYC / 06 for the NAMMCO Scientific Committee Working Group on By-Catch.

Nilssen, K. T. and Bjørge, A. 2019. Estado de kystsel: Anbefaling av jaktkvoter for 2019 . Noruega. Sjøpattedyrutvalget, Institute of Marine Research.comisión de mamíferos marinos del Atlántico Norte (NAMMCO). (2011a) Report of the Management Committee for Seals and Walruses. Page 105-121. In NAMMCO (ed.) Annual Report 2010. 501pp.

Onerheim, I. H., Smedsrud, L. H.,, Ingvaldsen R. B. and Nilsen, F. (2014). Pérdida de hielo marino durante el invierno al norte de Svalbard. Tellus, 66, 23933.

Ramasco, V. (2015). Spatial and temporal patterns of foraging of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in porsangerfjord, from behavioural interpretation to resource selection. Tesis doctoral. UiT, the Arctic University of Norway. https://munin.uit.no/handle/10037/8149

Ramasco, V., Barraquand, F., Nilssen, K. T. and Mcconnell, B. (2013). La identificación de los períodos de» descanso » en el mar ayuda a dar sentido a la firma de forrajeo de las focas portuarias en los datos de movimiento., In Proceeding of the 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Dunedin (NZ)

Rosing-Asvid, A. (2011). Status of harbor seals and grey seals in Greenland. NAMMCO/SC/18/CS / 17 the 2011 NAMMCO Working Group on coastal seals.

Teilmann, J. and Dietz, R. (1994). Status of the harbor seal, Phoca vitulina, in Greenland. Canadian Field-Naturalist 108, 139-155.

Øynes, P. (1964). Sel på norskekysten fra Finnmark til Møre. Fiskets Gang, 50, 694-707.

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