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UNIX / Linux Selvstudium for Begyndere: Lær Online i 7 dage

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Linux er det mest udbredte server OS. Linu.er en klon af UNI.. At kende den ene er så god som at kende den anden. I denne UNI. / Linu. – tutorial til begyndere-serien bruger vi Linu., da den er frit tilgængelig. Træningen kræver, at du udfører visse kommandoer. Sørg for at øve dem!

Hvad skal jeg vide?

intet., Denne Linux selvstudium for begyndere er en absolut guide til at Lære Unix/Linux grundlæggende fundamentals, kommandolinje i Linux, UNIX-programmering og mange andre emner. Du behøver ikke engang at købe en ny PC for at lære Linu.. Du kan køre Linu!, lige inden for dine eksisterende systemsindo !s-eller Mac OS-systemer! (Detaljerede trin er givet i disse Linu. / UNI. tutorials).,

UNIX / Linux Tutorial Syllabus

Linux Fundamentals

Tutorial Introduction to the Linux Operating System
Tutorial How to Download & Install Linux (Ubuntu) in Windows
Tutorial Linux vs Windows: What’s the Difference?,
Tutorial Linux Command Line Tutorial: Manipulate Terminal with CD Commands

Getting Started

Tutorial Basic Linux/Unix Commands with Examples
Tutorial File Permissions in Linux/Unix with Example

Advance Stuff!,

Tutorial Input Output Redirection in Linux/Unix Examples
Tutorial Pipe, Grep and Sort Command in Linux/Unix with Examples
Tutorial Linux Regular Expression Tutorial: Grep Regex Example

Know the OS!,

Tutorial List of Environment Variables in Linux/Unix
Tutorial Linux/Unix SSH, Ping, FTP, Telnet Communication Commands
Tutorial Telnet vs SSH: Key Differences
Tutorial Linux/Unix Process Management: ps, kill, top, df, free, nice Commands
Tutorial VI Editor with Commands in Linux/Unix Tutorial

Let’s Code!,

Tutorial Shell Scripting Tutorial: How to Create Shell Script in Linux/Unix
Tutorial Linux/Unix Virtual Terminal
Tutorial Linux/Unix User Administration Tutorial: adduser, usermod, userdel
Tutorial Unix Vs. Linux: What’s the Difference?,bd495ad0f7″>


Tutorial Top 50 Shell Scripting Interview Questions & Answers
Tutorial Top 60 Linux Interview Questions & Answers
Tutorial Top 50 Unix Interview Questions & Answers
Tutorial 15 BEST Linux Books
Tutorial Linux Tutorial PDF for Beginners: Basics Guide (FREE Download)

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