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最後のボヘミアングローブ野営地は2008年に行われました。 ここでは、クラブのプログラムからのイベントの要約スケジュールです。 誰がグローバーがとてもソウルフルだった知っていた?!

サンフランシスコの北75マイルに位置し、ボヘミアングローブは2,700エーカーの壮大なダグラスモミとレッドウッド、いくつかの1,000歳以上をカバーしています。, 2007年現在、118のキャンプがあり、サイトの中心的な特徴の周りに配布されていました:人造湖、そびえ立つフクロウの神社に見守られ、悪名高い”ケアの火 私たちの地図で牧歌的な敷地を調査してください。 (クリックすると拡大します。)




 "Come join us as we raise the battle banners in the name of beauty, truth, peace and fellowship. Oh, Beauty’s Vassals, let us together seek the counsel of the Great Owl of Bohemia so that we may rediscover the wisdom needed to banish Dull Care once again!



9:15p.m.,—Campfire Circle—”Sly Fox”

 "Come enjoy an evening of laughter as we reprise this Broadway hit comedy. M*A*S*H creator, Larry Gelbart, provides a laugh around every crooked corner in this witty look at the workings of greed and lust. Come see why our jubilant City Club audiences gave this talented cast a ‘Standing O!’”


9:15p.m.—Campfire Circle—”Sam Cooke”

 "Sam Cooke was one of the founders of Soul Music with 29 top 40 hits between 1957 and 1965, including ‘You Send Me’, ‘Chain Gang’, and ‘Bring It On Home To Me’. Join some of Bohemia’s most soulful vocal and instrumental talent as we celebrate the music of this legendary singer, songwriter, publisher and producer.”


10:30a.m.—博物館トーク—”アメリカのエネルギー選択における核の役割”ジョン-グロッセンバッハー、副提督、usn、Ret。 アイダホ国立研究所所長。金曜日,July18



 "This is the night that size does matter. Our ‘Little’ show takes over the BIG stage with BIG acts from Bohemia plus some surprise BIG names and that means BIG stars from the BIG time. Don’t miss our show, it’s really, well, BIG!”



 "Set in a funeral home during the final days of prohibition, ‘Easy Going’ asks that eternal Bohemian question, ‘What’s the best way to get pickled?’ Will Prentice Boxem conquer his midlife crisis, derail his shrewish wife Barbara’s political ambitions, and keep his business from going under? The Shadow knows, but he’s not telling, so you’re going to have to come to Field Circle and find out for yourself.”



 "Bohemian expert fly-casters Ray Lewis and Ralph Osterling will demonstrate and give tips. Extra rods will be available.”






 "The mention of the blues generally conjures up images of soulful tunes about hard times and bad women. However, the blues can also be joyful, and the idiom is the foundation for an infinite variety of musical styles, including those of Bop masters Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker and the ‘sheets of sound’ of John Coltrane. Join conductor, John Capobianco, the Jinks Band and their great vocalists, Jamie Davis and Tom Liles, as they celebrate the blues.”



 "Founded in a Detroit row house named ‘Hitsville USA’, by Berry Gordy, Motown records created hit after hit after hit. In this show, we have assembled a band worthy of the Funk Brothers and a list of singers, including some surprise guests. From the opening piano lick in ‘Money’ to the smooth sax of Jr. Walker there Ain’t No Mountain High Enough to keep us from bringing you a great show!”

サンフランシスコの75マイル北に位置し、ボヘミアングローブは2,700エーカーの壮大なダグラスモミとレッドウッド、いくつかの1,000歳以上をカバーしています。 2007年現在、118のキャンプがあり、サイトの中心的な特徴の周りに配布されていました:人造湖、そびえ立つフクロウの神社に見守られ、悪名高い”ケアの火 私たちの排他的なマップで牧歌的な敷地を調査してください。 (クリックすると拡大します。,)

Related: “Bohemian Tragedy,” by Alex Shoumatoff.


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